Prakash Palde
Company: Pfizer
Job title: Associate Research Fellow and Sample Biophysics Logistics Group Lead
Presentation Q&A & Panel Discussion: Overcoming Challenges in HIT Discovery with Innovative Applications of Biophysics 10:00 am
Hear from our expert speakers on overcoming the multifaceted challenges in HIT Discovery by utilizing a range of innovative approaches. Delve into discussions surrounding the tailored biophysical approaches, leveraging DNA encoded libraries and fragment-based screening. Hear experiences, insights, and strategies for navigating the complexities of optimizing hit identification while balancing efficiency and minimizing false positivesRead more
day: Conference Day One
Beyond Copy-Paste to Tailored Biophysical Approaches for Purposeful Lead Discovery 8:00 am
Addressing the prevalent copy-paste tendencies in biophysical techniques across drug discovery programs without considering program-specific nuances Highlighting the importance of fit-for-purpose strategies to avoid one-size-fits-all approaches Identifying criteria for evaluating the suitability of biophysical techniques to tailor approaches to unique requirements for a particular drug discovery programRead more
day: Conference Day One